Natalie Bruce, is the visionary behind the HumanKINDgirls non-profit. She has many years of experience in the Beauty, Fashion, and Film industry. She is a member of the 665 film Union in Hawaii, and her resume in makeup can be explored further on her website or IMDB.

Originally from America but raised in New Zealand, Natalie's personal journey includes facing insecurities and bullying during her teenage years. Her own experiences as a model at a young age of 13, and attending a fashion college in Atlanta, Georgia, ignited her passion to empower young girls, helping them embrace their God given worth and individuality.

Natalie's artistic pursuits extended to music. Alongside her husband, she formed the band "The Luminous Sky" and embarked on a nine-year journey, traveling to over 21 countries. During their travels, they not only shared their music but also uplifted and inspired local youth through high schools, youth groups, Eventually, Natalie transitioned to studying makeup artistry for film and TV, building a successful career in the fashion, film, and TV industry.

Currently residing in Hawaii with her husband and three children, Natalie continues to make a positive impact through confidence, skincare, and makeup workshops for teen girls. She has reached thousands of girls through events and workshops, addressing topics such as body image, confidence, dreaming big, and the pressures of social media. 

Recognizing the importance of expanding her reach, Natalie has trained a team of leaders to assist in running HumanKINDgirls events and programs, catering to public schools and various other events.

Goals for HumanKINDgirls:

1. Establish a fully trained team capable of multiplying the impact of the workshop and events.

2. Develop workshop kits for each topic, providing an accessible way to teach the material to a wider audience.

3. Expand the reach of HumanKINDgirls by building teams in various countries and translating the material into different languages.

4. Organize events for girls across the United States and internationally, spreading the message of empowerment and encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness and pursue their dreams.

5. Forge partnerships with organizations, schools, youth groups, and nonprofits to collaborate and reinforce the work being done in local communities. These collaborative events can be highly effective in inspiring girls and promoting body positivity, confidence, and making good choices.

6. Create anti-bullying resources specifically addressing body image, confidence, and making positive choices.

7. Introduce the HumanKINDgirls program in public schools, and private schools, reaching a wider audience and making a positive impact on the lives of young girls.

8. HumanKINDgirls “Kindness” program that empowers girls to give gifts & cards to other girls in times of sickness, need or trauma.

How can YOU be involved? reach out at to connect.